Our Community

Wider Community

Students at Hillcrest are encouraged to enhance their learning experience through contributing towards the growth and development of their surrounding community. All students in Year 9 also undertake community service activities providing exposure to two or three different organisations through which they learn to give back to our community.

The student-led Interact Club provides a further forum for students to get involved with the community. The club raises money through innovative and creative methods thought up by Interact members and in December, we fill buckets with dry food to feed families in Kibera over the festive season, distributed via Christian Mission Aid.

Students also support two local primary schools, Tenderfoot and Grace Lighthouse; as well as the Kenyatta Pediatric Cancer Ward; Nairobi Hospice and Held Sister. Overall, Interact is an open group of students committed to making a difference in the community in Kenya.

Students at Hillcrest are encouraged to enhance their learning experience through contributing towards the growth and development of their surrounding community.